Welcome to our DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL

  • BARAUT ROAD BUDHANA Muzaffarnagar

  • Affi. No.-2131883 Sch. Code.-59078

  • Phone : 01392-235322davpublicschoolbudhana@gmail.com


At D.A.V Public School we understand that each child has inherent interest and we try to unearth their hidden talents. The mind, body and the soul are in total synchronization when you are pursuing a hobby. We give our students a number of choices of activities which gives immense pleasure to them by not only nurturing their hobbies but also making it a fun.


Form of Expression: With a hobby or particular activity, students get an opportunity to have an outlet to express them. They can display their rigorous drive to show off some amazing skills which can quench their inherent thirst.

Stress Busters: Student life is full of many ups and downs as well as stress such as peer pressure, exam stress, day by day increasing competition, performance pressure etc. and they need a constructive way to manage it all. The dedication that hobbies demand, and the joy that they provide is a significant way to reduce stress. We provide opportunities of regular participation of a recreational activity or hobby to each of our student so that they can reach a point where they aren’t even thinking but just blissfully clearing their mind.

Motivation: Sometimes it can be hard to find something to get the students going, and get them through the long day in the school; it might be affecting their studies as well. So a variety of activities act as a motivation for them.