Welcome to our DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL

  • BARAUT ROAD BUDHANA Muzaffarnagar

  • Affi. No.-2131883 Sch. Code.-59078

  • Phone : 01392-235322davpublicschoolbudhana@gmail.com

"A early good start is important for future success."

            Education is its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills and habits of three groups of people grow. A complete and generous education is that which fits a man to perform justly skilfully and magnanimously in all the fields. Education is the complete development of individuality of the child so that he can make an original contribution to human life according to his best capacity. The essence of mankind and the philosophy of life grow and nature in the arm of education.

            According to its meaning D.A.V. Public School has striven, is striving and will strive to prepare the way of success for the students first, as it is an explorer. Our School provide proper channel to not only wide but deep also, as it is essential for all round development of the students. Like previous years, this year also our esteemed and reputed institution has organised different competitions and events. Besides education, the students of our college have participated in various cultural activities.

            And at last, I express my deep gratefulness to the manager Sir Shri Arvind Kumar Garg ji for his great guidance. I am also thankful to all the parents and staff members for their kind co-operation because I believe in the four lines of Robert Frost.

            “The woods are lovely, dark and deep

            But I have promise to keep,

            And miles to go before I sleep,

            And miles to go before I sleep.”