Welcome to our DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL

  • BARAUT ROAD BUDHANA Muzaffarnagar

  • Affi. No.-2131883 Sch. Code.-59078

  • Phone : 01392-235322davpublicschoolbudhana@gmail.com

Respected Parents and Readers,

It gives me great pleasure and pride to look over and see your D.A.V. Public School’s continuous achievements over a number of years which have been repeated over this year too. These achievements have been because of the collective efforts and commitment of the students, teaching, and non-teaching community of D.A.V. Public School. We are proud to have the facilities that compare with the best in the area.

 Now, this school is comprising with the modern infrastructure of power, water, furniture, transport, teaching faculty, teaching with modern technology and science equipments in adequate quantity. Introduction of “Teach Next Education” in the school has been provided to be very helpful to the students as well as the teachers. “English Language Lab” has been developing the skill of “Spoken English Ability of the students continuously through modern techniques. The academic is on the path of importing quality education and it is developing in its children high moral, mental and physical capacity so that they may become good citizens for the country as well as society. The academy will retain its continuity to achieve above all in future also.

I wish that our respected guardians will co-operate us to get glorious heights. I appeal to the teachers also to give their hundred percent to their beloved children with love and care. Because doing so they can prove themselves to be the real guide and the maker the nation in true sense.

The students and the members of the editorial board have contributed wonderful and enjoyable pieces to this magazine “Deeavian” I congratulate them.